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Tool Box Talks (PTW)

Toolbox Talks



Topic:        Basic Awareness of Permit to Work System.


Why do we need a permit to work system?

  • Control of non-routine jobs (e.g. maintenance jobs) to carry out safely.
  • Establish communication between various departments involved during the maintenance task.
  • Authorization to carry out the job in an area.


Main control system for maintenance jobs: 

 Permit to work is the only tool to have a control on the non-routine tasks carried out in the plants. Permit to work system is our main system to control hazards from maintenance work and other non-routine tasks. For it to be effective, the requirements of the permit system must be followed at all times. As per the procedure, the following control measures must be followed:



Control measures to ensure safety in a permit to work system:

Forms & Authorization:

i)  Permits are to be issued/ requested only by the Authorized signatories as per the procedure.

ii)  Accurate description of the work to be carried out. Specific details to be mentioned. Clear and complete description.

Few examples of incomplete job description: 


· PM Job.

· Pump checking.

· Cutting & welding.


iii)       Site visit: By both the requestor and issuer to discuss the work to be done.

iv)      Checklists: Ensure that any checklist along with the permit is filled completely.


JSA & Effective communication

i)       Job safety analysis: Carry out the joint JSA.

ii)      JSA contents shall be relevant to the task carried out.

iii)     Ensure that all the job relevant points are covered in the JSA.

iv)      List of control measures required for safety during the work.

v)   Effective communication to workers:
Ensure that the workers are briefed of the Job identified hazards and the controls required eliminating these hazards.

vi)     Toolbox Talk: Supervisor /or maintenance in-charge to lead the toolbox talks specific to the task. JSA form may be used for the toolbox talk.


Permit close out: –

  • Complete sign off before equipment is returned to service.
  • Sign off by the permit requestor, issuer & Field engineer.
  • Important to mention the job status. Complete/ incomplete.


Gas testing

  • To be carried out only by the authorized gas safety testers.
  • Frequency of gas tests to be decided during the JSA but not more than 2 hrs. For Hot works/ confined space entry
  • In case required, it may be carried out on a continuous basis.




key points

  • No maintenance work starts without a valid permit.
  • Job can only be started once the Field engineer fills the field checklist and signs.
  • Permit copy shall be available at site.
  • Approving authority as per the procedure.
  • All closed copies of the permits shall be returned back to the issuer after job completion.
  • Issuer to maintain a record of closed permits/ checklists for at least 03 months.


What is a permit to work? (Ask the workers)

A formal written authority or permission to undertake a maintenance activity which is designed to protect personnel working in hazardous areas or activities. It identifies key hazards and control measures.

Permit to work system is for the protection of YOU and your colleagues as well as others who may be affected by the works.


Workers need to know:

  • No job starts without a valid work permit.
  • Workers are aware of the contents of the permits, any potential hazards and the precautions taken or to be taken.
  • Only start the job when the field engineer has filled the permit checklist and signed.
  • Permit copy shall be available at the job site.
  • Carrying out work without a valid permit is a serious safety offence.
  • Additional PPEs specified in the permit / Job Safety Analysis must be used.
  • Job shall be carried out under the supervision of the supervisor / Safety Officer and permit requestor.
  • Ensures that everybody involved observes all the conditions of the permit.
  • If things go wrong or the situation changes notify the authorized person at once.
  • Upon receipt of a permit, check the work location to ensure that no problems have been overlooked before starting the work.
  • Upon completion of the work, ensure that the area housekeeping shall be carried out.


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