Toolbox Talks
Topic: Basic Awareness of Guards & Barricading
Start with asking for some examples of barrication.
Ask – Why do we need barricades and what are they for?
“The purpose of barricades is to prevent persons from coming into contact with specific hazards. This is achieved by placing a physical barrier around the hazard to prevent person’s access to an area or moving part.”

Guards are generally found in machines or equipment; they are designed to fully cover moving parts and prevent persons from been able to make contact the moving part without having to first remove the guard.
Ask – Where would you find a Guard?
Some common answers should include:
- Drive shaft form electrical pump.
- Drive belts.
- Drive shaft on tractor gully sucker.
- Grinding machine.
- Cutting machine.
- Drilling machine.

Barricades are physical barriers used to prevent persons access to specific areas, this can be temporally for a short duration or permanently. Barricades can be in many forms which are as follows:
- Pre moulded ridged plastic barriers,
- Movable barriers on wheels (similar to what police use on road).
- Constructed out or scaffolding,
- Excavation for electrical works,
- Pre-cast concrete sections which stand together (making a wall).
- During Demolition area.
Ask – Where would you find barricades?
Some common answers should include:
- Around an excavation,
- Area where radiography is in progress,
- Where scaffolding is being erected,
- Restricted area,
- Where lifting is in progress (crane lifting a load).
Guards and Barricades are there for a purpose,
that purpose is to protect YOU from harm!
Every One should:
- Never remove a guard unless authorized to do so,
- Do not use machine / equipment if guard is missing,
- Report any damage or missing guards,
- Do not take short cut through barricaded areas, walk round,
- Do not enter barricaded area unless you are authorized to do so,
- Do not remove barricades unless it is safe and no work is going on remember guards and barricades are there to protect YOU follow the rules!

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