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TBT (Emergency Awareness)

Toolbox Talks

Topic:    Basic Awareness of Emergency
Preparing ourselves for any emergency, we should keep following points in our mind:
  • Know the emergency exits.
  • Keep the exists clear from obstructions & clearly marked.
  • Exits must never be locked.
  • Respond immediately on hearing alarm.
  • Do not run, walk swiftly.
  • Don’t use the lift, go down the stairs.
As you Discover an Emergency (i.e. Fire, Liquid, Gas Leak, etc.) then:
  • Warn people who may be in immediate danger by shouting…
            FIRE…   FIRE…   FIRE…   OR   DANGER…   DANGER…   DANGER…..
  • Raise the alarm by one of the following methods:
    • Operate Manual Call Point (Break Glass).
    • Intrinsically Safe Phone / IP Phone.
    • Walkie Talkie (tetra set).            
  • Speak slowly and give clear instruction and location of incident.
  • Shut off machinery (if safe to do so).
  • In case of Fire, if trained and you are not at risk, extinguish the fire using portable firefighting appliances.
  • Always make sure you use right type of fire extinguisher (e.g. do not use Water or Foam on Electrical Fire).
  • Make sure you have clear escape route at all times.
  • Evacuate the area to the nearest assembly point.
  • Do not use lift during fire emergency, always use staircase.
  • Do not be panic, wait for assistance & follow instructions.
  • Wailing siren sound is an indicator of emergency.
  • Carefully listen to Public Address System’s announcement & follow the instructions.
  • Suspend all the hot jobs when fire siren is sounded during a major fire.
The Emergency message is communicated in the following manner:
  • Call EMCR or Tetra UHF system or IP Phone or breaking the glass of nearby MCP. 
  • Reporting by Walkie Talkie (by operating emergency button).
  • Inform shift Console Supervisor / Plant Shift In-Charge / Shift Superintendent at Main Control Room.
  • Caller to confirm the accuracy of the message (location of emergency) as repeated by Fire & Safety personal.
  • Wait for acknowledgement from Fire & Safety department personnel.
When you hear Emergency Siren or Fire Alarm
    Building Fire Alarm
    • Persons should evacuate the building via the nearest route and report to the assembly point (Do Not use Lift).
    • Remain at assembly point till roll call has been taken and further instructions given.
    Refinery Emergency Siren
    • If the emergency siren is activated (wailing tone for 2 minutes), this informs all that an incident has occurred within the refinery (tones may vary as per companies norms).
    • Listen for messages via the PA system, this will be used to inform persons of the incident and further action required.
    • If informed to evacuate, please make way to assembly point, do not leave this area till roll call has been taken and you have been given further instructions.
    • In the event of gas or vapour cloud, take note of wind direction and evacuate in a cross-wind direction.

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