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Rigging & Hoisting

Rigging & Hoisting


      Rigging Safety

          All rigging shall be done under to supervision of a trained and experience rigger. Supervisor shall ensure that the work men are trained in the fundamental of handling rigging equipment (i.e. proper use of knots, ties and hitcher safe method of hooking and slinging). Before undertaking the rigging work

i)       The supervisor shall ensure that adequate numbers of men are allotted.

ii)     Each rigger shall be required to demonstrate in toolbox talk regarding his fitness by practical test. Hoisting, lowering, transport of loads by hoisting apparatus shall be governed by a well understood and uniform code of signals by motion of arms and hand.

iii)    The operator of the crane should follow only the signals of nominated person for lowering, lifting to load.


Hoist:          With forehead raised, fore finger pointing, move hand in small horizontal circles.

Lower:        Arm extended, palm down, wave hand down & up.

Long Travel:         Arm extended, fore finger pointing and slightly raised, wave forearm indirection of travel while facing in that direction.

Stop: Right hand raised palm open hold positive rigidly.

Emergency Stop: Both hands raised, palm open, hold positive rigidly.

Before giving signals:

1. All ropes, chains slings are properly checked applied to the load and secured to the hook.

2. No pieces of loose materials, loose parts are left on the load.

3. Loads shall be raised or lowered vertically avoiding sudden starts and stops and jerk and swinging.


          As per Section 28, Chapter IV of Factories Act, 1948 deals with “Hoists & Lifts”.

          Hoists & Lifts means lifting or hooking of materials to the crane hook with the hand signals for transportation. Before doing the same we have to select/ nominate a “Rigger” by demonstration and interview from existing operator and technicians. After qualifying the selected person called “Rigger”. The supervisor shall provide 2 helpers to the Rigger. The Rigger should know the selection of wire ropes for lifting the materials.




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