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Ergonomical Hazards

Ergonomical Hazards



It is derived from Greek word “ergo” means work, and “nomos” means rule or law. It simply means “fitting the job to the workers” (right man in the right job OR work should be perform according to law).

Ergonomics is defined as the “study of human characteristics in relationship to work demands. Ergonomics is defined by International Ergonomic Association (IEA) in 2000.


About International Ergonomics Association

  • Established in 1959.                 
  • Headquarters at Geneva, Switzerland.
  • Member of 52 federated societies (countries).

Definition as per IEA 

    “Ergonomics (or human factors) is the scientific discipline concerned with the understanding of interactions among humans and other elements of a system, and the profession that applies theory, principles, data and methods to design in order to optimize human wellbeing and overall system performance”.




  • Poor manual handling technique (lifting, pulling, pushing, etc.)
  • Awkward posture (physical posture)
  • Repetitive tasks (prolonged similar tasks)


Objective of Ergonomics:        To enhance and optimize the effectiveness with which work and other human activities are carried out.

          Ergonomics approach include designing of machines, tools, controls, equipment, process layout, housekeeping to increase efficiency of both man and the machine. Application of Ergonomics reduces accidents and improves health and efficiency.



Types of Ergonomics 


Physical                                   Cognitive                                  Organisational

Mental process                      

Forecasting on the body       
team work

Environmental factors (light)  – human
computer interaction  – work design

Mental workload                   

Decision Making                   
Shift work



Physical Ergonomics: It is the human body’s responses to physical and physiological workloads.

Cognitive Ergonomics: Deals with the mental processes and capacities of human when at work.

Organization Ergonomics: It deals with the organizational structures and policies.



Ergonomic Hazards

  • Repetitive work/task (Prolonged similar task)
  • Poor Manual handling (lifting, pulling, pushing, twisting)
  • Computer works (sitting posture, eyes strain)
  • Awkward postures (physical posture)
  • Environment condition (light, temperature, vibration)
  • Lighting (adequacy of light)
  • Ventilation (indoor air quality)


Three main Ergonomics Principles:

  1. Work activities should permit worker to adopt several different healthy and safe postures.
  2. Muscle forces should be done by the largest appropriate muscle groups available.
  3. Work activities should be performed with joints without stress (repetitive stress).
  • Maintain Neutral posture        
  • maintain erect position of back.

Modify tasks                          
alternate activities frequently.

Body Mechanics                     – use
the largest joints & muscles to do the job.


Risk factor related to Ergonomic hazard 


  • Discomfort
  • Accidents and injury
  • Errors
  • Annoyance
  • Less productivity
  • Sick absenteeism


Branches of Ergonomics

Anthropometry and Biomechanics are branches of Ergonomics dealing with physical dimensions and properties of the human body.

i.     Anthropometry: It can be defined as the scientific study of measurements and proportions of human body. “Anthro” means “Human” and “Pometry” means measure. (design of workstation as suitable for all workman).

ii.     Biomechanics: It can be defined as the study of mechanical laws relating to the movement or structure of living organism. (work as per standard procedures)




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