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Biological Hazards

Biological Hazards


Any biological organism or microbe that has the potential to cause harm/ illness or disease is called a biological hazard.


Any hazards which causes through biological nature.

Example: bacteria, fungi, virus, pathogens.



  • Septic infection (Tetanus Injection, T.T.)
  • Fungal infection
  • Brucellosis
  • Anthrax



Brucellosis is a bacterial disease caused by a bacteria which is common in dairy industries, where it gets transferred from cow to the workers during milking of cows. Brucellosis can affect the workers causing undulant fevers and infection. The safeguard for brucellosis is applying Potassium Permanganate Solution (KMNO4) to hands before milking.



Anthrax is caused by a spore bearing organism found in woolen mills, brush making industries, carpet industries, tanneries, fur making.

Anthrax is caused by virus called Bacillus Anthracis. Anthrax is a very deadly disease affecting the upper respiratory tract and lower interlineal tract. Safeguard for Anthrax is applying Formalin solution while handling these materials in the above-mentioned industries.



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